I went to the mailbox everyday looking for a package that my friend told me she sent me for my birthday. Day after day, the mail lady came and left, but my package was nowhere to be found!!! I didn’t let it bother me, because I knew that it would eventually show up and it would be well Worth The Wait!!!
How many times have you waited in expectation for something because you were told that something special was on the way, but it seemed like it would never come? Don’t get discouraged while you are waiting, because it will be Worth The Wait!!!
That job promotion, it’s coming!
That healing, it’s coming!
Your husband, he’s coming! Your family, it’s coming! T
hat business, it’s coming!
That degree, it’s coming!
Whatever you are waiting on, continue to wait in expectation!!! It will
be Worth The Wait!!!
Just like my birthday package was worth the wait when it finally arrived, so will the blessing that you are waiting for be Worth The Wait!!!
Here are 4 tidbits to encourage you while you wait:
Wait in expectation
Always expect the blessing to come
Imagine that you already have it
Tell yourself it will be worth it
Continue to wait until you receive what you are waiting for!!! Don’t lose hope because it’s taking a while to come, because when it does come, it will be Worth The Wait.
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