I can’t take it anymore! I just give up! I feel like I’m about to die! I can’t make it; there’s no need to keep trying. Over the years, I have found myself making the same statements that others made without ever knowing the repercussions of my words. We commonly speak things that aren’t really true in an attempt to express how we are really feeling. But you have to Watch Your Words, because your words are powerful!!!

The same way our negative words have a negative effect on our perspective, we create a positive effect on our perspective when we speak positive words. Our words gain life once they are released in the atmosphere and fulfill what they have been released to do, good or bad. That’s why you must Watch Your Words!!!

My sister and I had a recent conversation about how life can be disappointing at times, and could convince you that giving up is a valid option. I’m sure all of us have been there at some point in our life, but we have to press through. No matter the difficulty or duration of your situation, Watch Your Words!!!

Watch Your Words: Why? Because you want them to breed positive results. If you have been speaking negative words over your life, make it a habit to counteract them with seven (7) times as many positive words. Speaking positive affirmations behind your negative conversation will bring about the cancellation of your words’ assignments.

Here are 5 tidbits to remember when releasing our words:

Watch what you say

Only release positive words

Remember our thoughts are just as powerful as words

Don’t bully yourself or others with negative words

Speak life to your negative situation

Our WORDS carry a lot of weight, positive and negative. We choose whether to speak life or death with our WORDS!!!

Watch Your Words!!!

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Carolyn J. Blue

Carolyn is a certified Balance Coach that teaches women how to find balance in every area of their life. She believes that we all should ahve balane in our life, and desires to empower others to achieve balance. Carolyn is also an Author and Inspirational Blogger.

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