It’s A Temporary Situation

Your life isn’t going the way you imagined or planned, and things are in a disarray. It feels like as soon as you get through one storm, you are faced with something else. You are trying to keep your head up, but under all of the turmoil, you wonder how much longer will it last? … Read the rest

You Still Have To Do It

Even if no one else agrees with your decision, don’t be afraid to stand for what’s right. When you know within your heart of hearts that you are making the right choice, don’t worry about what others think or say. You Still Have To Do It!!!

When you are faced with issues that go against … Read the rest

In Your Tracks

From sun up to sun down, you find yourself running around like a chicken without its head. The sound of the alarm clock wakes you from a deep sleep, only to start your daily routine over and over again. By the time your day ends, its time to call it a night. But every now … Read the rest

An Unexpected Delay

Have you ever been in the middle of doing something that you really enjoyed, and out of nowhere you experience an unexpected delay. You were not sure what caused the delay, or how long the delay would take. The only information you were given, was that “this happened before, and things should be back on … Read the rest

From A Different View

Life can be viewed from many different angles. You may see life from one perspective,while someone else’s picture of life can be totally opposite. The variations in the different views doesn’t make your view good or bad, just different. It is good to be open to different views, because your way isn’t the only way … Read the rest