Small Things Do Matter

Oftentimes we overlook the small things in relationships, and focus only on the big ticket items. When the small things are good, we take them for granted and forget to say thank you. When the small things are irritating, we ignore them, and they become larger issues.

Think of a time when someone gave you … Read the rest

Always Celebrate Your Children

Today’s topic is near and dear to my heart. I love children, and enjoy celebrating their successes. I have always been good about encouraging other children, but downplayed my children’s accomplishments. I allowed someone’s negative comments to stop me from sharing my excitement when my children excelled.

Life is too short to let what others … Read the rest

Making Memories

How will you be remembered? Everyone makes memories, some better than others. Making Memories should be full of laughter and never ending stories!!! What kind of memories are you making for yourself? It is important to make fond memories as we pass through this life.

Going to a special place for vacation can leave lasting … Read the rest

How Hard Is It To Just Be Nice?

I sit and listen to people interacting with others, and often walk away feeling disappointed. Disappointed at the way people talk down to others, and treat people so mean. It takes more time and energy to act mean and unfriendly. HowHard Is To Just Be Nice?

We live in a society where people seem to … Read the rest

How Do You Handle Change?

Changes come and go with each season. It is cold in the winter, while it’s windy in the spring. We love the beaches in the summer, and hike the mountains in the fall. Whatever season we face, there’s a need to handle change. Handlingchange doesn’t always feel comfortable, but it is necessary.

I was faced … Read the rest