We experience all kinds of noise in our lives on a daily basis just dealing with what we know as life. There is loud and quiet noise that surround us daily. This noise comes from our children, our spouse, our job, our church, our community, and our world. Whether the noise is great or subtle, over a period of time it can some times become chaotic. When we experience chaos, it’s natural for us to make every attempt to avoid it, because we don’t enjoy the pressure and frustration that encompasses it.
With all the commotion of the approaching storm, our minds are racing all over the place wondering if we are going to be safe if we stay home, should we relocate until the storm is over, do we have enough food and water, will the storm hit our area, and will our loved ones be safe during the storm. However, in the midst of the chaos there is hope. If we can determine the root cause of the chaos, the noise will settle down. There is a significant comparison between a storm and chaos.
There is an eye in the storm and a root to the chaos. If we can get in the eye of the storm we can find shelter, we can find peace, we can find protection. Likewise, defining the root of the chaos brings peace and tranquility. Listen for the still small voice in the eye of your storm. It doesn’t matter how loud your noise is, or how chaotic your life may be, embrace the chaos knowing that your peace lies in the eye of the chaos.