Just because everyone else is doing same thing, Does It Make It Right? No one has addressed your negative attitude, but Does It Make It Right? Everyday we deal with people that exhibit bad behaviors, inappropriate language, and mistreatment others, but Does It Make It Right? Our world is full of grown folk that throw temper tantrums when they can’t have their way, or someone marches to the beat of their own drum , but I must ask you, Does It Make It Right?

We allow others to get away with saying whatever they desire, and blame it on their Constitutional Rights. We accept inappropriate behaviors of others to avoid the repercussions of standing up for what is right. We are numb to the actions of people’s lifestyles, their inappropriate language, and their lack of integrity, but Does It Make It Right?

Think about what you say and do, and ask yourself “Does It Make It Right”? If you answered “yes”, then you need to reevaluate your actions, and Make It Right.

I had to reevaluate my actions. I used to be on the phone all hours of the night coaching and counseling others. It sounds like I was doing a good thing, and I was, but Did It Make It Right? My husband waited patiently while I helped everyone that called. There were many nights he fell asleep, because I was consumed with everyone else’s needs except his. This led to a disruption in our home and marriage. I was doing a good thing for others, but Did That Make It Right.

We do good deeds for people, thinking we are doing the right thing, but it Doesn’t Make It Right? It is time for us to take a stand when our friends and loved ones are making bad choices. It’s time to speak up, even if you speak alone.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself “Does It Make It Right”:

1. Am I helping everyone that is involved?

2. Is this the best use of my time right now?

3. Do I have peace about what I am doing or saying?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you have taken the first step to Making It Right!!! Does It Make It Right? Thank you for reading our blog!!! If this article has been helpful to you, please subscribe and share it with your family and friends!!!

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Carolyn J. Blue

Carolyn is a certified Balance Coach that teaches women how to find balance in every area of their life. She believes that we all should ahve balane in our life, and desires to empower others to achieve balance. Carolyn is also an Author and Inspirational Blogger.

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