I had the opportunity to witness a lot of people taking and/or going through tests the last few weeks, and the responses to the tests varied. The test takers were either calm, anxious, sleepy, nonchalant, or frustrated during the different tests. It is clear that based on the responses, some people don’t know why tests are given, or the benefits of passing tests. The question I ask today, do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes to endure and pass the tests? Are you properly prepared for the test you are taking, and do you understand the parameters of the the test? Are you embracing the test, and learning from the process, or are you murmuring and complaining about having to take the test? Is it someone else’s fault that the test is hard, or are you walking by faith during the test? Do you have what it takes?

I was administering a test today, and after six minutes into the exam, a test taker was sound asleep. After multiple attempts to keep her alert, it was evident that she didn’t have what it takes. She wasn’t clear on why she was taking the test or the benefits of her passing the test. She was only going through the motions.

Like the test taker today, when you are faced with a test, how do you handle it? Do you have what it takes to pass the test, or do you give up and not care? Do you plan, prepare, produce, and praise or do you plunder, play, procrastinate, and pout?

Here are 4 tidbits to pass any test:

Positive – have an attitude of gratitude

Assertive – have confidence in yourself

Studious – spend quality time studying

Steadfast – stay committed through the journey

When you are positive, assertive, studious, and steadfast, you prepare and position yourself to PASS any test you face!!!

Do you have what it takes?

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Carolyn J. Blue

Carolyn is a certified Balance Coach that teaches women how to find balance in every area of their life. She believes that we all should ahve balane in our life, and desires to empower others to achieve balance. Carolyn is also an Author and Inspirational Blogger.

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