FEAR as we know it, is False Evidence Appearing Real. But do we really believe that? FEAR has held many of us in bondage for years, and some have died as a result of their FEARS. FEAR is a state of mind that consumes your thoughts, and distracts you from accomplishing tasks that are vital … Read the rest
Watch Your Words
I can’t take it anymore! I just give up! I feel like I’m about to die! I can’t make it; there’s no need to keep trying. Over the years, I have found myself making the same statements that others made without ever knowing the repercussions of my words. We commonly speak things that aren’t really … Read the rest
Speak Up
We live in a society where people are pressured to believe that it is normal to hold their tongue. It is frowned upon when an individual speaks up for what they believe is right. We have been taught to be seen and not heard; but that is far from the truth. We live in a … Read the rest
You Can Do It
Bouncing back after a loss or fall can be difficult for many people. No one likes the thought of failure. It can knock the wind out of your sail when we experience these hardships. Questions like: (a) “Can I even do this?” or (b) “Is it worth the effort to keep trying?”, begin to surface … Read the rest
Will It Ever STOP?
Tragedy after tragedy continues to happen all over the world. We are sadden by the losses that families upon families face daily. We voice our concerns about the unnecessary deaths and traumatic events that take place, but they continue to happen. Will It Ever STOP?

Will that heart wrenching cry that bellows from a victim’s … Read the rest