A Time To Rest

The hustle and bustle of everyday life can impact us spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We love being there for everyone to make sure that their needs are met, but there comes a time when we must take time to rest!!!

It’s very important to have balance in life, and take the necessary time to get … Read the rest

Get It Right

How many times have we said to ourselves, “I need to get this or that right”? We know that something that we are doing is wrong or may even be a grey area, but we just can’t seem to get it right.

We are convicted in our actions, our words and our deeds, but our … Read the rest

Take The Mask Off

As we approach the Halloween season, many people are apt to hide behind all types of masks. Masks of insecurity, rejection, jealousy, hatred, racism, and loneliness to name a few. We pretend like we have it all together when in fact many of us are actually struggling to survive!!!

I had the opportunity to witness … Read the rest

Weathering The Storm

I’m sitting here thinking about how blessed we are to have shelter during the storm, and the benefits of enduring the storm!!! The rain is pouring and beating against the windows, and the wind is whistling an amazing tune.

There are many lives that have been impacted by this horrific storm from Haiti to North … Read the rest

Embracing Life’s Storms

As we embark upon the different storms that arise in our lives, it’s important to embrace every aspect of the storm. When storms come, I’ve notice that we are usually given a warning. The warning sometimes comes several days to weeks prior to the storm making landfall. The closer the storm gets to landfall, the … Read the rest