How many countless hours have you spent trying to make a relationship work, only to find out that ALL of your effort has been in vain? You have tried and tried, and things appear to get worse. You initiate ALL the calls and the texts, and you’re left wondering why did I even bother. You … Read the rest
Never Stop Doing Good
You will always be blessed when you take time to do something good for others!!! Too often we are so wrapped up into our own issues that we don’t take time to help those in need, but we should Never Stop Doing Good!!!
When you put a smile on someone else’s face, or speak a … Read the rest
It’s A Temporary Situation
Your life isn’t going the way you imagined or planned, and things are in a disarray. It feels like as soon as you get through one storm, you are faced with something else. You are trying to keep your head up, but under all of the turmoil, you wonder how much longer will it last? … Read the rest
From A Different View
Life can be viewed from many different angles. You may see life from one perspective,while someone else’s picture of life can be totally opposite. The variations in the different views doesn’t make your view good or bad, just different. It is good to be open to different views, because your way isn’t the only way … Read the rest
Rise Up
It is time to Rise Up to the occasion and walk out your destiny? We have been complacent far too long. There is a world waiting on us to Rise Up and take our rightful places!!! The sidelines are off limits for watching others Rise Up, and surpass where you should and could be. Stop … Read the rest