Are We Really Listening?

I received a disturbing call on yesterday that immediately led to our topic for today. I learned that a friend’s eleven year old granddaughter committed suicide earlier this week.

My emotions were all over the place, and as I pondered how tragic this must be for the family, I thought to myself “Are We Really … Read the rest

Step Outside Of It

It’s easy to stay in our imaginary box, and go through life accepting it as it comes. We are complacent, and would rather remain in our comfort zones. The thought of change causes stress physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We are not satisfied with our life, but struggle with the thought of stepping outside of the … Read the rest

Just Keep Adding the Water

This has been an emotional week on every level in relationships, and in general. Love was expressed at a beautiful wedding, while at the same time, hate was stirring up a fight. I asked myself “am I making a difference in the lives of those I touch?”

Ever wonder if you are making a difference … Read the rest

The Morning After

National Love Day is an emotional day on so many levels. Some of us were satisfied with the gift(s) we received; while others spent the day feeling overwhelmed about the gifts they were given!!!

Some spent the day disappointed that they did not get the gift(s) they expected; while others were left feeling depressed about … Read the rest

Just Stand Up

Are you feeling like your back is against the wall, and everyone is pulling at you from every angle? Your day consists of getting the children ready for school, going to work all day, rushing to your daughter’s game after work, grabbing some dinner for the family, making sure everyone gets their shower, briefly sharing … Read the rest