One Breath Away

I am thinking about everything that’s going on in the world, and how far we have fallen from the basic principles of life!!! We were taught the golden rule, and grew up living by that rule. But somehow over the past few years, we have strayed away from the most important principle; which is love.… Read the rest

Take The Mask Off

As we approach the Halloween season, many people are apt to hide behind all types of masks. Masks of insecurity, rejection, jealousy, hatred, racism, and loneliness to name a few. We pretend like we have it all together when in fact many of us are actually struggling to survive!!!

I had the opportunity to witness … Read the rest

Embracing Life’s Storms

As we embark upon the different storms that arise in our lives, it’s important to embrace every aspect of the storm. When storms come, I’ve notice that we are usually given a warning. The warning sometimes comes several days to weeks prior to the storm making landfall. The closer the storm gets to landfall, the … Read the rest