How many countless hours have you spent trying to make a relationship work, only to find out that ALL of your effort has been in vain? You have tried and tried, and things appear to get worse. You initiate ALL the calls and the texts, and you’re left wondering why did I even bother. You … Read the rest
How Independent Are You?
Happy Independence Day!!!
Today is a day of celebration of independence and freedom, but there are many of you that struggle with being independent. You are used to depending on others when it comes to decision making, opinions, and, for some, life in general.
If you are stuck in a cycle of depending on others … Read the rest
We Have A Winner
We Have A Winner by Guest Blogger Tamika D. Bierlein Recently I got to go to a family event where we played Bingo for fun. This entertaining evening gave me perspective about my relationship with God, and reminded me of some life lessons.
1. You have to play to win
As I got my cards … Read the rest
Sometimes We Need To Release It
As I sat and listened to a co-worker share how chaotic her day turned out, I chose to give her my undivided attention, because Sometimes We Need To Release It!!!
There are some seasons in our lives that can be very trying and frustrating, but it’s important to know how to properly channel our emotions. … Read the rest
Never Stop Doing Good
You will always be blessed when you take time to do something good for others!!! Too often we are so wrapped up into our own issues that we don’t take time to help those in need, but we should Never Stop Doing Good!!!
When you put a smile on someone else’s face, or speak a … Read the rest