This has been an emotional week on every level in relationships, and in general. Love was expressed at a beautiful wedding, while at the same time, hate was stirring up a fight. I asked myself “am I making a difference in the lives of those I touch?”
Ever wonder if you are making a difference in the lives you touch? You think you are helping people, but their behavior shows the opposite.
Nothing you suggest or share seems to prompt a change. You ask yourself “is this a hopeless situation?” Well, wonder no more, where there is breath, there is hope. Just Keep Adding the Water!!!
I saw a small tree laying on the ground that appeared to be dead. The roots were dry and the limbs were dark brown.
As I looked closer, I realized that there were a couple of green twigs. I was reminded that if we Just Keep Adding the Water to the tree it could live. It would sprout again!!! When we experience an emotional roadblock in our lives or relationships, don’t lose hope. Just Keep Adding the Water!!! Someone plants the tree, and someone else has to keep watering the tree. Every time you water a tree, the roots are impacted from the nurturing. Just Keep Adding the Water!!! There is an impact!!! Dont allow your emotions to get all out of sorts.
Follow these tidbits:
Tidbit 1: Re-root your tree – get in a quiet place and regroup.
Tidbit 2: Trim away the dead branches – get rid of excessive weight. Focus only on things that are important at the moment.
Tidbit 3: Support the tree – prop the tree up to guard against the winds and severe storms. Don’t give up on the people in your life.
Tidbit 4: Continue to Just Keep Adding the Water- change will come. Additional branches will turn green and growth will take place within the tree.
The tree analogy really helped me get back in touch with my emotions. I may not see the impact today or tomorrow, but if I Just Keep Adding the Water to the lives I encounter- change will happen!!!
Just Keep Adding the Water!!!
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