FEAR as we know it, is False Evidence Appearing Real. But do we really believe that? FEAR has held many of us in bondage for years, and some have died as a result of their FEARS. FEAR is a state of mind that consumes your thoughts, and distracts you from accomplishing tasks that are vital to your well being.
It is important to acknowledge that you are in a place of FEAR when you are confronted with a situation that appears to have you in a sunken place.
Once you acknowledge that FEAR is present, you open yourself up to being able to confront FEAR. You can’t conquer what you don’t confront, and if you continue to accept FEAR, and allow it to control your thoughts, you will remain captive to something that shouldn’t be holding you in the first place.

FEAR keeps you from experiencing everything that life has to offer you. There is a world of excitement and fun to explore, but you will miss it if you continue to hold fast to FEAR. When I young, FEAR became my god!!! Yes my little god, because I trusted the FEAR that I was feeling, more than I trusted my family, my friends, or the Creator.
I was afraid of everything except people for some reason. I was so fearful that I couldn’t even function alone most times. I remember there were times, I wouldn’t even go outside after dark, because I was even afraid of my shadow. I’m reminded of all the times I would hear the children outside at night playing games, and having so much fun, but I missed that happy time in my life, because of my FEAR.

I didn’t overcome my FEAR until I was married and had children. The only reason I believe that I overcame it then, was because I had passed FEAR down to my children, and I refused to allow them to walk in FEAR all of their lives, and miss the happiness that was beyond the FEAR. A dog got behind my daughter once, and I lost all FEAR in an effort to save my child. So after that time, you couldn’t tell me that I hadn’t conquered FEAR!!! Wrong …. Because Not too long ago, after telling people that I was over my FEAR, I was tested in the area of what? You guessed it… FEAR. A frog got in our house , and my daughter was having a conniption. I tried to be bold and approach my FEAR (the frog) because after all every one says when dealing with FROGS I am to Fully Rely On God!!! Well I don’t know who I was relying on, but I was faced with FEAR again. Long story short, it was about 2:00 in the morning and I had to call my sister to come help me with the frog. After she came and found the frog, she informed me that I had already conquered the frog and didn’t even know it.
That’s just like us, many times, we have already conquered our area of FEAR, but haven’t had a new mindset yet. We have to have a renewed mind, and we can conquer FEAR. You have to remind yourself that you are no longer bound by whatever is holding you in FEAR, because it keeps you from experiencing the happiness that you deserve.
If you are experiencing FEAR about a relationship, confront your FEAR! If you are experiencing FEAR about a business, confront your FEAR!
If you are experiencing FEAR about a new project, confront your FEAR!
How do you confront your FEAR?
Acknowledge that it is only FEAR
Accept that FEAR can’t harm you
Speak to your FEAR, it has to come under subjection to you
Affirm that you are an overcomer of FEAR, you become what you say Walk in your Happiness, it’s waiting on the other side of FEAR.
Here are 4 Tidbits to help you conquer FEAR:
F ind peace in the thing that has you FEARFUL
Exclude negative thoughts that try to hold you in bondage
Affirm your freedom from FEAR
Reach for your Happiness Beyond The FEAR
You are no longer bound by FEAR but free to walk in happiness that awaits beyond the FEAR that is only that…FEAR.
Happiness Beyond The FEAR!!! If our blog has been helpful, please comment below, and share it with your family and friends!!! You may subscribe to receive our FREE blogs and newsletters!!! Follow us on Social Media!!!