How many times have you promised to do something, and didn’t follow through on your promise? You promised to meet your friend at six for dinner, but called at seven with an excuse. Your child is excited about the sleepover this weekend, but is left in tears because you realized you made other plans for the family. Our words are powerful, and leave others feeling either empowered or disappointed. We must let our words be truth when we speak.

Thinking over my life, I too am guilty of failing to let my words be truth. I have had to apologize many times for basically not telling the truth. I have good intentions to do what I promise, but situations happen and my words sometimes fall short. I am sometimes guilty of missing a deadline at work that I have every intention of meeting, or for not completing a task at home that I promise to finish. My desire is to always let my words be truth, but there is room for improvement in this area. I have also been guilty of sometimes making a payment arrangement with a debt collector for a certain date, but failed to keep my agreement.

Is it acceptable to miss deadlines when I give my word? Does it make it right that I meant to pay the bill, but something came up? Should I choose to pay something that is more pressing, and NOT be truthful?

My word is my bond, and my words should be truth!!!

Think of times that you have spoken words or made a promise, and failed to keep your word. How many lives were affected?

People depend on us to keep our word, and to follow through on our promises. Let’s strive to let our words be truth. Say what you mean and mean what you say!!! If you can’t follow through on what you say you will do, DON’T SAY IT!!!

Let your words be truth!!!

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Carolyn J. Blue

Carolyn is a certified Balance Coach that teaches women how to find balance in every area of their life. She believes that we all should ahve balane in our life, and desires to empower others to achieve balance. Carolyn is also an Author and Inspirational Blogger.

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