Saying NO was one of the hardest words for me to learn. I was so used to saying yes whether I wanted to say it or not. But Saying NO was one of the hardest words for me to learn. I was so used to saying yes whether I wanted to say it or not. But life has taught me that sometimes my answer must be NO!!!

I sometimes struggled with saying YES, but refused to say NO. There were so many repercussions for never saying NO, but I wanted to try and please everyone I met.
The longer it took me to master the word NO, the more heartache I experienced. Then one day years ago I was introduced to a book called “Boundaries”, by Henry Cloud and John Townsend, and it changed the course of my life!!!

I discovered that there is POWER in the word NO!!! I was no longer bound by what I feared others would think if I said NO. I began to rest better at night as a result of this decision. I was able to accomplish so much more during my day, because I learned the Power of NO.
I’ve completed so many more projects as a result of my saying NO to others that desire to steal my time.
There is power in NO!!!
– The Power of NO restores your time
– The Power of NO resumes your rest
– The Power of NO resets your life Its ok to say NO when it is necessary. Tell yourself “I am no longer bound to YES”!!! The POWER OF NO!!!
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