As we approach the Halloween season, many people are apt to hide behind all types of masks. Masks of insecurity, rejection, jealousy, hatred, racism, and loneliness to name a few. We pretend like we have it all together when in fact many of us are actually struggling to survive!!!
I had the opportunity to witness the true colors of some people hiding behind their mask over the past few weeks, and it is somewhat disappointing. A long time friend of mine hid behind her mask this week when the two of us shared a difference of opinions about a situation. This experience hurt, but it was also a teachable moment. It taught me that when we live behind a mask it can be very detrimental not only to the mask wearers, but also to those around. When we hide behind the masks of life’s situations, we hurt others and often times are hurt by others.
There are many of us that go through life living a lie instead of facing life head on and taking off the mask!!! Our words sound so amazing, and our smile appears picture perfect. But behind that pearly white smile and those eloquently spoken words is an individual that many of us don’t even know. We must ask ourselves “are we keeping it 100”?
Hiding behind the mask keeps us bound, and in a place of secrecy. We know far too well that what’s done in secret will be exposed in the light. Let’s take the mask off and experience a peace like never before. Living mask free enhances our life and the lives of those around us!!! Take the mask off and live!!!