Play The Hand You’re Dealt

Name three things you love about your life. What do you like most about them? Of the three things you named, which one could be better?

There are many positive aspects of our lives when we look through a different lense.

Complaining about what is or isn’t going well in life doesn’t change it. There … Read the rest

They Still Need Us

Today has been one of those days that I wanted to throw in the towel, and let people make their own mistakes. I spend countless hours helping them, and offering advice, only to find that some people are just plain ole’ hard headed.

It’s draining to continuously deal with the same people, with the same … Read the rest

Small Things Do Matter

Oftentimes we overlook the small things in relationships, and focus only on the big ticket items. When the small things are good, we take them for granted and forget to say thank you. When the small things are irritating, we ignore them, and they become larger issues.

Think of a time when someone gave you … Read the rest

Always Celebrate Your Children

Today’s topic is near and dear to my heart. I love children, and enjoy celebrating their successes. I have always been good about encouraging other children, but downplayed my children’s accomplishments. I allowed someone’s negative comments to stop me from sharing my excitement when my children excelled.

Life is too short to let what others … Read the rest